Do you want a new kind of entertainment for your child? May be one that will keep them entertained and something they can take on the go? The Nintendo Switch is a new kind of fun for your children. It is a follow up to both the DS line and the Wii line. With this device comes some of the greatest games of the older generations, including Mario and Zelda. So your child will be able to have fun for hours on end without the worry of being bored. Your child can also easily play this device by locking in the Joy Con controllers on either side, which gives them a button to use while they are on the go. There can also be fun had if your child wants to take this console-tablet hybrid and lock it into the at home dock connected to your television and get a fully functional and traditional game system that performs at the highest levels with an NVIDIA Custom Tegra processor and up to 1080p graphics output. This device also has a storage capability up to 32GB and with the option to have expandability if using a MicroSD card. The Nintendo Switch is a very easy to store console, because it is thin and it is a sub-one-pound with a 6.2 inch screen which offers a crisp 1280 x 720 pixel touchscreen. This is a gaming system that will quickly become your child’s favorite gift. You will not be disappointed with this purchase and your child will forever love the never ending fun that comes with this console. The easy and convenient size of this console is another reason why this will be a perfect for your child. With the Nintendo Switch your child will never be bored again and taking trips will be more fun.